管理學院  資訊管理學研究所  
限碩士班以上 且 限本系所學生(含輔系、雙修生)
Ceiba 課程網頁

- 知識的本質與管理
- 知識市場的前景與挑戰
- 知識的產生
- 知識的整合
- 知識的移轉
- 知識管理與組織學習
- 知識管理策略
- 知識管理個案
- 知識管理工具與技能

知識(Knowledge)對於企業的日常經營與競爭優勢的維持,扮演相當重要的角色。過去我們對於這些存在於企業內部,而且是企業賴以維生的知識,其對應的管理方式,大都是隨意而缺乏系統性的管理。然而,隨著資訊科技進步的配合,在資料管理與資訊管理逐漸地成熟後,知識管理(Knowledge Management)也就開始受到重視而產生越來越多的討論。知識管理是協助組織發現、選擇、組織、傳播、與轉移關於解決問題、動態學習、策略規劃、與決策制定等活動所需的重要資訊與專業知識之過程。知識管理系統(Knowledge Management Systems) 則是指針對專業的管理活動,以建立、蒐集、組織、與散播組織知識的資訊系統(Alavi and Leidner, 1999)。本課程提供一個對於知識管理的全盤觀點,介紹的議題包括知識管理之緣起與重要性,說明知識市場的前景與挑戰,知識管理與組織學習,並討論知識管理工具與技能,並引用案例來說明企業內如何運用知識管理,其成功關鍵因素為何,最後說明知識管理之策略性應用與未來趨勢。 
Office Hours
Old Wisdom: Classic of KM
1. “What is” in the World of Work and Working: Some Implications of the Shift to Knowledge Work, Fred Nickol

The Tacit and Explicit Nature of Knowledge
2. The Knowledge in Knowledge Management, Fred Nickols
3. Working with Tacit Knowledge, Joseph A. Horvath

Knowledge-Based Strategies
4. What’s Your Strategy for Managing Knowledge? Morten T. Hansen, Nitin Nohria, and Thomas Tierney
5. Competitive Intelligence and Competitor Analysis as Knowldege Management Application, Arik R. Johnson
6. Xerox Shares Its Knowledge, Michael Hickins
7. Acquiring Intellect: managing the Integration of Knowledge-Intensive Acquisitions, Julian Birkinshaw

Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning
8. Developing Organizational Memory Through Learning Histories, George Roth and Art Kleiner
9. Making Knowledge Stick, Louisa Wah
10. Learning Across a Living Company: The Shell Companies’ Experiences, William E. Brenneman, J. Bernard Keys, and Robert M. Fulmer
11. the Knowldege Chain, Richard A. Spinello

The Collection and Codification of Knowledge
12. Practical Taxonomies, Sarah L. Roberts-Witt

The Transfer of Knowledge
13. Running a Corporate Publishing Program, James W. Cortada
14. Problems on the Virtual Shop Floor: A Case Study, Byran Gladstone and John Kawalek
15. The Undercurrent Flow of Knowledge, Corporate Renaissance Group

Implementing the Effective Management of Knowledge
16. Knowledge-Worker Productivity: the Biggest Challenge, Peter F. Drucker
17. Managing Knowledge in Professional Service Firms, Thomas H. Davenport and David E. Smith

Knowledge Tools, Techniques and Processes
Information Technology
18. Using Tools to Fit Culture and Processes, Len Grzanka
19. Technology Support for Sustainable Innovation, Michael Stephenson and Tony Davies
Knowledge Management Tools
20. New Tools for Sustaining Competitive Advantage, Robert M. Fulmer, Philip Gibbs, and J. Bernard Keys
21. Managing Organizational Ignorance, Michael H. Zack
Knowledge Management Techniques
22. Putting Quality in Managing Corporate Memory, Larry Todd Wilson
Measurements and Knowledge Management
23. Measurments and Knowledge Revolution, Thomas A. Peason
24. Why Do a Knowledge Audit? Thomas Koulopoulos and Carl Frappaolo

25. Knowledge Management: An Introduction and Perspective, Karl M. Wigg
26. Knowledge Management: An Emerging Discipline, Syed Z. Shariq
27. Knowledge Management: An Emerging Discipline with a Long History, William Ives, Ben Torrey and Cindy Cordon
28. Knowledge Management: The New Challenge for the 21st Century, Atefeh Sadri McCampbell, Linda Moorhead Clare and Scott Howard Gitters
29. Knowldege Management: A New Idea or a Recycled Concept?, Israel Spiegler

Use of KM
30. Applied Process Knowledge and Market Performance: The Moderating Effect of Environmental Uncertainty, Cindy Claycomb, Cornelia Droge, and Richard Germain
31. How does Knowledge Management Influence Innovation and Competitiveness?, Alberto Carneiro

32. SME and Large Organization Perceptions of Knowledge Management; Comparisons and Contrasts, Rodney McAdam and Renee Reid
33. Knowledge Work teams and Group technology: Learning from Seagate’s Experience, A. B. Shani, James A. Sena and Michael W. Stebbins
34. Knowledge and Competence Management at Ericsson: Decentralization and Organizational Fit, Thomas Hellstrom, Peter Kemlin, and Ulf Malmquist
35. Knowldege Flows in Innovation Networks: A Comparative Analysis of Japanese and US High-technology Firms, Elsie L. Echeverri-carroll
36. Knowledge Management in professions: Lessons Learned from Norwegian Law Firms, Petter Gottschalk
37. Knowldege management and Drug Development, Stuart Koretz and Greg Lee

Knowledge Eliciting:
38. a Two-Stage Process for Eliciting and prioritizing Critical Knowledge, Kenneth J. Preiss
39. Knowledge, Creativity and Innovation, David Gurteen

Knowledge Transfer (Knowledge Sharing)
40. A Social Exchange Architecture for Distributed Web Communities, Amrit Tiwana and Ashley Bush
41. Reflections on Designing Field Research for Emerging IS Topics: the Case of Knowledge Management, Inger V. Eriksson, Gary W. Dickson, and Omar A. El Sawy

KM Implementation
42. A Methodology for Knowledge Management Implementation, Gavin P. Levett and Marin D. Guenov

Framework of KM
43. A Framework of Knowledge Management Systems: Issues and Challenges for Theory and practice, Jungpil Hahn and Mani R. Subramani

Tools and technologies
44. The State of the Product in Knowledge Management, James H. Bair and Ellen O’Connor
45. Natural Technologies for Knowledge Work: Information Visualization and Knowledge Extraction, Ramana Rao and Ralph H. Sprague
46. Re-Assessing the Enabling Role of Information Technology in KM, Bipin Junnarkar and Carol V. Brown
47. Extensible Markup Language and Knowledge Management, James R. Otto, James H. Cook, and Q. B. Chung

Knowledge Economy and Market
48. Peter Drucker, Managing in the Next Society: Beyond the Information Resolution,

Future and Challenges
49. The Future of the Organization: Selected Knowledge Management Issues, Colin J. Coulson-Thomas

50. Enabling Knowledge Creation: Learning from an R&D Organization, Journal of Knowledge Management, Jonas Roth
51. Following the Rainbow: A Knowledge Management Framework for New Product Introduction, P.M. Herder, W.W. Veeneman, M.D.J. Buitenhuis and A. Schaller
Week 1
18 Feb  Intro. to KM: IDEO case 
Week 2
25 Feb  Old Wisdom: Classic in KM 
Week 3
4 Mar  Working Smarter, Not Harder <br>Understanding Knowledge 
Week 4
11 Mar  Knowledge System Life Cycle<br>Knowledge Management Project in Practice 
Week 5
18 Mar  Knowledge Creation and Knowledge Architecture <br>Knowledge Management Project in Practice 
Week 6
25 Mar  Capture Tacit Knowledge<br>Knowledge Management Project in Practice  
Week 7
1 Apr  Knowledge Codification<br>Knowledge Management Project in Practice  
Week 8
8 Apr  Knowledge Transfer and Sharing<br>Knowledge Transfer in the E-World 
Week 9
15 Apr  Learning from Data<br>Data Mining 
Week 10
22 Apr   Knowledge Management Tool and Portal<br>Knowledge Management and Organization Learning 
Week 11
29 Apr  Overview: Social Life of the KM Tool (p.1-20) 
Week 12
6 May  Overview: Social Life of the KM Tool (p.21-70) 
Week 13
13 May  Ethical, Legal, and Managerial Issues 
Week 14
20 May  E-Consulting  
Week 15
27 May  Service Operation Management Issue 
Week 16
3 Jun  Service Management & IT  
Week 17
10 Jun  Manufacturing Service Issue  
Week 18
17 Jun  Final Project Presentation